AZC Newsletter December 2024
From Amala-roshi:
The jeweled net of Indra comes to mind when I think of the links of karma and friendship that connect Zen practitioners around the world -- and that network now includes the brand new Roma Zen Center.
AZC’s First Affiliate Group - Roma Zen Center
The threads running between Auckland and Rome are long ones, in both space and time: Sensei and I both learned Italian when we were young and spent time in Italy, and then in the 1990s, we met Francesco Nanni, an Italian studying at Rochester Zen Center, like us. Once I returned to Aotearoa, Francesco and his long time friend Paolo Andrizzi began doing remote dokusan with me. Paolo became a student, travelled out to our sesshins at Bella Rakha, and then became a 3JO lay novice (see below more information on the 3JO). Several years of preparation as a novice followed. In June 2023 Sensei and I travelled to Italy to ordain Paolo as a lay member of the Three Jewels Order. At the same time Francesco and Rory McCarthy, who lives in Portugal, received rakusus.
Paolo has worked hard to nurture the Rome group, and early in 2024 we signed papers as co-founders of a new legal entity, Roma Zen Center. The group meets four times a week in Trastevere (central Rome) and Canino (in the Province of Viterbo), and at times includes one or two remote participants from other parts of the Mediterranean. Sensei and I do remote dokusan with some Roma Zen Center members, and keep in close touch with Paolo, finding ways to offer the Dharma that transcend distance, time zones and language barriers. For example the group was recently involved in presenting a seminar as a part of La Terza Marcia Mondiale per la Pace e la Nonviolenza and Sensei and I were able to contribute brief recorded encouragement talks in Italian.
The Roma Zen Center was born with the aim of bringing to Italy the teachings of the lineage of the Rochester Zen Center, founded by Roshi Philip Kapleau, under the guidance of Roshi Amala Wrightson - from the Roma Zen Center website
Paolo and Roshi after summer sesshin, Bella Rakha, Aotearoa New Zealand.
The Three Jewels Order (3JO)
Some of you might be wondering about the reference to 3JO above. It stands for the Three Jewels Order, the order of priests and lay members established at the Rochester Zen Center by Rōshi Kjolhede.
The Three Jewels Order (3JO) has two branches, lay and priest. The latter involves a vocational commitment, and the intention to live and work more or less full time with a Dharma community; the former involves a commitment to supporting the Sangha alongside family, work and career responsibilities. In both cases, a novice period of training is required before ordination. Membership of the Order, whether as a priest or lay person, is an expression of a willingness to take on leadership roles in the community in different ways. It does not necessarily lead to being formally sanctioned to teach. It does mean that Order members will be called to help out in various ways.
Back here in Aotearoa New Zealand
On the home front, four senior Centre members entered the 3JO lay novice programme earlier this year: Wayne Frecklington, Sally McAra, Adrian Croucher and Robin Gardner Gee. They are each working with a mentor on sutra study and other study for their individualised novice period. This winter they met weekly to explore The Platform Sutra together and they shared their work with the Sangha.
The Three Jewels Order in Aotearoa with Bodhin-roshi at the 20th Celebrations: Amala-roshi, Richard-sensei and Ven. Hanya are existing members, Adrian, Wayne, Sally and Robin are in their novice training period.
The most momentous part of our 20th Celebration in June this year was the sanctioning of Richard (now Sensei) to teach. Since then he has been going through his paces; offering dokusan and teisho, both inside and outside sesshin, and giving numerous encouragement talks, on top of his usual duties as Centre Manager. This has lightened my load considerably and I hear that people are finding Sensei’s talks helpful. It has been a big year for Sensei, with the release of his book Slender Volumes in November.
Slender Volumes
The launch of Slender Volumes in November was a double delight as it both was Sensei’s 10th publication and the first publication of Spoor Books, a new publishing and community platform created by two Sangha members, Balamohan Shingade and Erena Shingade. It was launched to a full house at the Onehunga Community Centre; a wonderful afternoon of connections and reconnections.
Sensei holding Slender Volumes, his 10th publication and the first publication from Spoor Books
Erena Shingade and Balamohan Shingade, co-founders of Spoor Books
“Sangha Cottage” at Normans Hill Road
For many, many years, Sensei and I have longed to be able to offer accommodation to members who wish to come for periods of training or retreat. We have explored options for accommodation at the Centre without finding any viable options. Finally last year, we committed to building a small 2-bedroom cottage on our own property at Normans Hill Road, where the garage/sleepout used to be.
As is so often the case with building, unexpected issues emerged, one to do with stormwater disposal and another to do with hidden layers of unstable soil. Both proved to be expensive, and the extra Council permissions required for the drainage also delayed the start of the project by about six months. The unstable ground was probably once a rubbish tip, and the solution was simple -- dig deep and then fill the resulting large hole with gravel -- but was a huge additional and unforeseen expense.
Despite these challenges, building is nearing completion now. Ven Trueman Taylor and Ven Hanya Gallagher, who will both be here for our summer sesshin, are likely to be the first to “try out” the new cottage.
Gassho, Roshi
The “Sangha Cottage” nearing completion at Normans Hill Road.
From the Treasurer
2023-2024 Financial Accounts
The annual accounts for the 2023-2024 Financial Year (available here) show a surplus for the year of $10,234, which is heartening given the projected small deficit in the budget. The overall numbers are distorted by the impact of the flood repairs, however the increased level of activity by way of workshops, increased sesshin attendance, plus higher interest rates were the primary drivers of the improved bottom line.
Balance sheet:
Cash on hand dropped from $131,824 (31 March 2023) to $105,504 (31 March 2024), a reduction of $26,321. This was driven by a $50,000 repayment of the Paramita Trust loan (see below for more details), reflecting a $50,000 reduction in the Trust’s long term liabilities.
Update for current financial year to 30 September 2024
A surplus of $28,000 against budgeted income of $14,727 for the period reflects a drop in salaries for the period rather than an increase in income, with Dana remaining the same as last year over this period. After adjusting for loan repayments the surplus drops to $10,000 which is slightly lower than budget.
Balance sheet:
As at 30 September 2024 we had cash and deposits on hand of $126,963, versus the 31 March 2024 balance of $105,505, showing the steadily improving cash position.
“Sangha Cottage” and Paramita Trust loan repayment:
The Centre exists in its current form because of a long-term interest-free loan from the Paramita Trust, established by Roshi and Sensei. The Centre Trustees are now repaying the Paramita Trust, as finances allow. With the new cottage nearing completion, the goal of being able to provide accommodation for students and trainees is close to realization. Rising construction costs have impacted on the cottage budget and the Trustees propose to provide the opportunity for Sangha members to help financially in the new year. This will be by way of a donation to the Centre to enable the Centre to repay additional amounts of the Paramita loan, which will be channeled into funding the extra construction costs.
In summary
In conclusion the Trustees firstly thank all Sangha members for their generous dana, especially in these tough financial times. Without your support the Centre could not exist.
We would also like to thank Robin for her unremitting efforts in running MYOB, our accounting program, thereby ensuring the financial records are kept up to date, along with John Allan for completing the Annual Financial Reports for filing with Charities Services.