Daily schedule for sittings at the Centre
6.00-7.15 am Formal sitting with dokusan and chanting service.
7.00-8.40 pm Formal sitting with teisho (fortnightly) and chanting service. Tea afterwards.
6.00-7.00 am Formal sitting
12.00- 12.30 pm Informal sitting.
7.00-9.00 pm Formal sitting with dokusan.
8.30-10.30 am Formal sitting with dokusan. Tea afterwards.
Other days
There are no scheduled sittings on other days of the week but members are welcome to use the Centre for informal sitting.
Live streaming of sittings
All our scheduled morning and evening sits at the Centre are live streamed on Mixlr (audio only). You are welcome to join us from where ever you are. Ceremonies and events are also live-streamed on Mixlr.
Instructions for joining: Wait for the Zen Centre to come on-air (we are usually on-air 5 minutes before the sitting is scheduled to start). Once we are live, there will be a red ON AIR sign on the right and an arrow button in the centre of the panel below. Click on the arrow to start streaming.
Amala-roshi and Richard-sensei give talks (teishos) regularly as part of the Tuesday evening sitting. All teishos are both live-streamed and recorded. The recorded talks are made available as soon as possible on our podcast page.