Meditation workshops
For newcomers to Zen, our Introductory Workshops are offered five times a year at our Onehunga zendo in Auckland.
Our workshops are a way to explore Zen meditation for the first time, or renew your Zen practice. Everyone who has completed one of our workshops is then welcome to take part in any of our sittings and ceremonies. If you are already an experienced meditator and would like to sit with us, attending a workshop is still recommended, as it is a way of getting a solid introduction to our style of Zen.
Workshop dates for 2025
For 2025, we are offering whole-day workshops (9 am - 4 pm) on the following Saturdays:
22 February 2025
12 April 2025
14 June 2025
23 August 2025
8 November 2025
There’s no set fee for the workshops. However, as the Centre relies on donations to cover expenses, we appreciate your donation/koha. Suggested amount for workshops: $80 waged or $40 unwaged. Donations can be made through internet banking ahead of the workshop (Kiwibank 38 9005 035812500), or with cash on the day.
Numbers are limited at each workshop, so registration is necessary.
Workshop details
All sessions take place at our zendo, located at 52 Princes St in Onehunga. All the mats and cushions needed for the day are provided (as well as chairs for those who need them). Please wear loose, comfortable clothing suitable for sitting on the floor.
What to expect
The day will start at 9 a.m. with a welcome and talk by Roshi Amala Wrightson or Sensei Richard von Sturmer on the basic principles of Zen Buddhism. Then we move to the floor for detailed instruction on the sitting postures employed in Zen meditation (zazen). Besides the traditional Lotus posture, other cross-legged positions as well as Japanese-style kneeling or seiza, and the use of a chair are shown. Breath meditation is introduced, and procedures for group sitting.
Following morning tea, you will be introduced to walking meditation and then do two short periods of guided sitting meditation (zazen) and have a chance to ask questions.
After lunch, there will be three periods of zazen (20 minutes each) with kinhin (walking meditation) and dokusan (interview with teacher, optional), as well as a tour of the Centre. The day ends with a Q & A focusing on practical issues that arose during the meditation sessions and tips for sitting at home, wrapping up by 4:00 p.m.
Background Reading
Finding Your Seat
Amala-roshi and her student Kathryn Argetsinger wrote this book to provide a comprehensive introduction to Zen (as it is practiced here at the Auckland Zen Centre). The book is on sale at the Centre ($30). Each chapter has plenty of information for beginners as well as the transcript of a teisho (talk) for the more seasoned practitioner.
The Three Pillars of Zen
In this classic work of spiritual guidance by Philip Kapleau, the founder of the Rochester Zen Center, presents a comprehensive overview of Zen Buddhism. Exploring the three pillars of Zen—teaching, practice, and enlightenment—Kapleau presents a personal account of his own experiences as a student and teacher, and in so doing gives readers invaluable advice on how to develop their own practice. A moving, eye-opening work, The Three Pillars of Zen is the definitive introduction to the history and discipline of Zen as it is taught at the AZC.