The principle of dana, or giving, is central to Buddhism and to practice at the Auckland Zen Centre.
Anyone seeking the Dharma will be welcomed, and all donations large or small will be gratefully received.
One-off or regular donations
The Centre relies on donations and volunteer hours to support our teacher and staff, maintain our building, furnish our zendo, run our office, and offer workshops, sittings and other programmes. See below for details of how to donate.
Teacher's Scholarship Fund
Donations to the Teacher's Scholarship Fund (TSF) help to cover the costs of sesshin for students who would not otherwise be able to attend. See below for details of how to donate.
Bequests & planned giving
A bequest or planned gift may be the most significant donation a person makes in a lifetime, one that can have a huge impact. When you are ready to make definite plans, contact your legal, financial and tax advisors. A sample codicil is available here.
Information for New Zealand donors
Our prefered way of receiving donations is via internet banking. Donations can be made directly to our Kiwibank account 38 9005 035812500. Please include your name and the reference “dana” with your electronic payment. If you are contributing to a specific fund (e.g. Teachers Scholarship Fund or TSF) please specify that too.
The Auckland Zen Centre is a registered charitable entity (CC20537) in terms of the Charities Act 2005. Our IRD number is 94-887-291.
All donations over five dollars are tax-deductible for New Zealand residents. We send out donation receipts at the end of each financial year.
You can also donate via PayPal (use link below).
Information for overseas donors
Donations may be made directly via electronic transfer to Auckland Zen Centre, account number 38 9005 035812500, Kiwibank Ltd, Wellington, New Zealand; SWIFT CODE: KIWINZ22. Please include your name and the reference “dana” with your electronic payment. If you are contributing to a specific fund (e.g. Teachers Scholarship Fund or TSF) please specify that too.
You may also be able to donate via PayPal (use link below).
For US residents who wish to claim a tax deduction, donations may be made to the Rochester Zen Center with instructions designating the funds for the Auckland Zen Centre account. Contact RZC for details.
Please note that cheques are no longer accepted by our New Zealand bank.

Donating by Paypal
You can donate to the Auckland Zen Centre via PayPal from New Zealand and from many other places around the world. You do not need a PayPal account. PayPal is secure and convenient, and accepts major credit cards.