Sitting at home
For most of us much of our sitting practice takes place at home, away from the formal structure and energy found at the Centre.
Sitting at home offers its own challenges and rewards. Here are some tips from Amala-roshi that might help start you sitting at home — and keep going.
Getting started
Find a time that works with your schedule. For many people, first thing in the morning works best. The mind is clear and you are energized; you can set your focus and aspiration for the day. Evening sitting can help with settling the mind for a restful sleep, but you will need to consciously commit to setting aside the business of the day and at least some of your usual evening activities. Choose a time that blends with the needs and activities of your family or household.
Try to practice at the same time every day. Even if you can commit only fifteen minutes, this consistency of practice will be much more helpful in the long run than longer sessions that occur only sporadically.
Set up a small space for your meditation, if possible. Try to find a place where you will not overhear conversations or media. Ambient noise (such as traffic noise) is fine.
Maintaining your home sitting
Know that times when the practice feels dry or unproductive will alternate with times of greater inspiration. Commit to sitting through the difficult times.
Know that when everything is going great in your life, you may not feel a need to sit.
Know that there will always be many things calling for your attention that may feel more urgent than sitting. Commit to sitting when you are happy, when you are sad, and when you are busy (even if only a little bit!).
Choose at least one time a week when you can join in on formal sittings at the Centre. Coming to dokusan can be especially helpful.
If you can't get to the Centre
We are a far-flung Sangha so we do try to stay connected by offering plenty of online options for those who can't get to the Centre. This has become even more important during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Try live-streaming the sittings- it really can make a difference knowing other people are sitting at the same time.
Join our WhatsApp Lunchtime Zazen group for an informal reminder to sit at noon, wherever you are. Text Adrian to join (022 047 9382).
Ask for remote dokusan to get advice and encouragement for practice. Amala-roshi offers dokusan twice a week (via Zoom, Skype or WhatsApp) for people unable to attend the Centre. Contact Amala-roshi directly to request a time (amala@aucklandzen.org.nz)
Listen to Amala-roshi's Dharma talks or find other resources that you find inspiring for your own Dharma study. The literature of ancient and modern teachings is vast, and putting your practice into a larger context will help you to keep going.