Zen training
Training is a chance to deepen your practice under the guidance of a teacher.
At large centres (such as the Rochester Zen Centre) it is possible to undertake fulltime residential training. Here at the Auckland Zen Centre we are not in a position to offer residential training, but day training combined with home practice can still create the opportunity to train in Zen intensely and wholeheartedly through disciplined daily practice.
We currently offer two training options (both non-residential, and only available to members):
Day training (Thursdays only). This involves coming to the Centre and following the schedule for the whole day.
Part-time training. This involves committing to a period of training (e.g. 1-3 months). During this period you commit to follow the training schedule at the Centre for one day a week, follow your own home practice schedule on other days, and attend the sesshins, ceremonies and short retreats that occur during your training period.
Please discuss training options directly with Amala-roshi or Richard-sensei.
You can read more about the value and the challenges of Zen training in Roshi Bodhin's article, The Freedom of No Choice.
Day training schedule
(Thursday each week)
6:00 a.m. zazen
7:15 breakfast
8:00 samu (work practice)
10:00 morning tea
10:20 samu (work practice)
12:00 p.m. zazen
12:30 lunch
1:00 samu (work practice)
4:00 end of work day
7:00 formal sitting (with dokusan)
9:00 end of training day
“Let us … distinguish between the words ‘training’ and ‘practice.’ We can say that everyone who does zazen(or at least does it regularly) is practicing Zen. But Zen training takes place only in a structured setting under the supervision of a teacher and his or her assistants.”
— from Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede's Zen Bow article, The Freedom of No Choice