Hours of inspiration; recorded talks from Roshi Amala Wrightson, Sensei Richard von Sturmer and senior students. You are also welcome to join our live-streamed sittings and talks.
The latest AZC talk:
We upload as soon as possible after each talk. The most recently uploaded talk will always be showing here. If you are wanting to scroll through all our talks, see the “AZC weekly talks” podcast link below.
All the AZC podcasts:
Our main podcast is “AZC weekly talks”, where you can find almost all the talks given at the Centre. We also have five other podcasts, to make it easier for you to find the particular talks that you need. Just click on the links below.
AZC weekly talks
In this podcast you can find almost all the talks given at the Auckland Zen Centre, back to 2016. Most talks are by Roshi Amala Wrightson, but there are also talks from Sensei Richard von Sturmer and senior students too.
Talks for beginners
Talks by Roshi Amala Wrightson that are particularly useful for those new to Zen.
Talks on precepts
Twice a year we have the opportunity to recommit to the 16 Precepts in a Jukai Ceremony held at Matariki and New Year’s Eve. These talks explore the precepts that are at the heart of the Great Way.
The Hidden Lamp talks
In this ongoing series Roshi Amala Wrightson explores the stories from The Hidden Lamp: Stories from Twenty-Five Centuries of Awakened Women, edited by Florence Caplow and Susan Moon. This inspiring publication has collected a hundred stories of Buddhist women from ancient India to contemporary America, as well as commentaries from modern women teachers.
Finding Your Seat talks
Finding Your Seat: A Zen Handbook by Roshi Amala Wrightson and Kathryn Argetsinger includes edited transcripts of over twenty talks. Here you can listen to some of the original talks.
Talks by Sensei Richard von Sturmer
A selection of talks by Sensei Richard von Sturmer. Richard-sensei trained for a decade at the Rochester Zen Center and completed the koan curriculum there. Then in 2004, back in New Zealand, he co-founded the Auckland Zen Centre along with Roshi Amala Wrightson. Richard-sensei was sanctioned as a teacher in 2024. He has given many Dharma talks at the Centre, and some of them are collected here. Richard is also an accomplished poet. See our Shop for information about his books available at the Centre.