AZC Newsletter August 2024
From Amala-roshi:
“We have ultimately only to be there, simply, fervently, as the earth is there, in harmony with the seasons, dark and light and absolutely in space, not demanding to be cradled in anything but this web of influences and powers in which the very stars feel safeguarded.”
– Rainer Maria Rilke
Harmony with the seasons
In the Celtic cycle of the year, “First Light” (Imbolc) is celebrated at this stage of winter. It is still definitely winter (here in Aotearoa), but the stirrings of spring are unmistakable. The days are noticeably lengthening, the birds are lustily singing in the dark mornings, well before our part of the globe has swung into the sun’s light, and there is a sense of relief and expectation in the air.
We chose to have our 20th Anniversary celebrations at Matariki, the depths of winter and the turning of the Maori new year, in order to move in harmony with the changing seasons here. For us, as a relatively small Centre, the Anniversary celebrations were a big event, and planning for the weekend dominated the first half of the year. Now that the dust has settled, I feel a sense of curiosity: what will this third decade of the Centre’s unfolding bring, especially now that we have two teachers?
Here are some highlights from the riches of our 20th Anniversary:
Richard, Amala-roshi and Bodhin-roshi in the Southern Alps at Arthurs Pass.
Roshi Kjolhede joining us from the US
Although I have been back to Rochester many times over the past two decades, this was only the second time that Roshi Kjolhede has travelled to New Zealand. There was a special joy in being able to have him here, in Aotearoa New Zealand, and I know he took great delight in meeting with you all. Here is his message to the Auckland Sangha:
Dear Sangha,
While my clothes from New Zealand still bear the fragrance of the AZC incense, let me tell you all how wonderful my time with you was.
First, thank you for that luminous bowl crafted from ancient Kauri wood. It has found its place of honour in our home.
Thank you, too, for your dana from Jukai. It took me by surprise when it was passed on to me, but the Jukai officiant, Amala Roshi, insisted.
Special thanks to Roshi and Sensei for having escorted me to the spectacular West Coast and to the lovely parks and beaches in Auckland. I don't know how they found time to do this in the midst of their many, many other responsibilities leading up to what must have been the biggest weekend of the year for them.
That weekend of ceremonies and special events was simply sublime. Most memorable of all to me were my informal personal interactions with the Sangha. I only wish I'd had another hour to chat with every single one of you. You may not be aware of what a remarkable Sangha you are, and what exceptional teachers you have. These riches have come to you from your work on the mat, and your ongoing sitting will further enrich your experience of Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.
With hands palm-to-palm,
Bodhin Roshi
Roshi Kjolhede receiving his kauri bowl, a gift from the AZC Sangha. The bowl is made of ancient swamp kauri wood.
So many Dharma friends gathered together:
What can I say? It was such a joy to have so many of you sharing the celebrations with us, and your many lovely gifts, and cheerful, quietly responsive work behind the scenes. Nine bows to you all again.
And finally, the sanctioning of Sensei Richard von Sturmer:
So much has changed between the two photos below -- and yet so little.
The first is from November 1986, in the snowy back garden of 7 Arnold Park. In 2014, at our 10th Anniversary, Richard commented on this photo:
“It is a wistful photograph. Bodhin Kjolhede had recently taken over as abbot of the Center from Roshi Kapleau and we were among his first students. All three of us were adapting to big changes in our lives and uncertainty about what the future would bring. But our karmic bonds had been strengthened. And we knew that we would be working together for many years, ‘held in a web of influences….in which the very stars feel safeguarded.’”
Those words still resonate today.
The second photo was taken on Sunday 30 June 2024, when Richard von Sturmer was sanctioned as a teacher in the Rochester lineage by Roshi Kjolhede, in a simple ceremony that was the climax of a wonderful weekend of ceremonies and celebrations. On behalf of the Sangha I wholeheartedly welcome Sensei to his new role. The sanctioning formally confirms what Richard has been doing informally for years -- generously, cheerfully, unselfconsciously serving Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.
When Sensei was invested as a lay member of the Three Jewels Order in 2000 he took a new Dharma name, Setu, or Bridge. Here is the verse that he said to kick off his sanctioning ceremony in 2024:
May I be a bridge
A Dharma bridge
A bridge to the other shoreHey you donkeys and horses
You dragons and snakes
The bridge is in place
You can cross over
While we have frequently worked together closely over the past 46 years, now for the first time, we work side by side as teachers.
Warmed and safeguarded within “this web of influences”, I look forward to whatever lies ahead. May we all travel well together.
Sensei Richard von Sturmer receiving his teaching certificate during the sanctioning Ceremony.
Sangha gathered after the sanctioning ceremony for Sensei Richard von Sturmer.
From the Treasurer
2023-2024 Financial Accounts
Our accounts are currently with John Allan, a Sangha member and retired accountant, who has prepared our annual financial statements for many years now. John has also been generous in providing advice and guidance to Robin, our bookkeeper, who handles the day-to-day side of the accounts. Thank you John, your work is very much appreciated. As soon as the accounts are available, we will add a link to them here.
Update for current financial year:
I am pleased to present a brief summary of the financial accounts for the four months from 1 April 2024 to 31 July 2024.
The provisional financial results through to 31 July 2024 show a surplus year to date of $8,317. This is a realistic figure, as all the payments associated with the 20th Anniversary have now come through. Our surplus is ahead of budget by $1,425.
This is a very pleasing result and shows how important the support of all Sangha members is to the financial health of the Centre.
Balance Sheet
Cash position: As at 31 July 2024 we had cash and deposits on hand of $117,308, versus the 31 July 2023 balance of $150,442, a decrease of $33,135. This decrease reflects the repayments that we have made to the Paramita Trust. A long-term interest-free loan from the Paramita Trust enabled us to purchase our building at Princes Street and we are now gradually repaying that loan.
In summary
The Centre continues to operate with a surplus thanks to the generosity of Sangha members – both in terms of donations and in the form of the dedicated volunteers who help Roshi and Sensei run the Centre. Given the current economic situation a small surplus is a very positive outcome.
Peter Christensen, Treasurer