Our Zen practice is not confined to the meditation hall - ideally, our practice is one with our daily life and our everyday environment. Our urban retreats offers a chance to deepen practice in our ordinary urban environment, without leaving Auckland.
To help us with planning please register at the Centre sign-up sheet or by use the button below.
The Autumn retreat opens Friday morning and finishes Sunday lunchtime.
The retreat is non-residential and is held at the Zendo in Onehunga.
You will need to bring your own food for all days (or purchase it in Onehunga). Tea will be supplied at breaks.
You can come to the whole retreat or to parts.
This will be a hybrid retreat: you can attend in person or join via Mixlr from home.
Remote one-to-one interviews (via Zoom) will be available.
Draft Schedule:
Friday 18 April
8:30 Zazen / kinhin
10:30 Silent tea
11:00 Zazen / kinhin / remote dokusan
12:30 Lunch break
1:30 Zazen / kinhin / in-person dokusan
3:30 Chanting
3:50 Exercises
4:25 Zazen
5:00 Dinner break
7:00 Zazen / kinhin
9:00 Four Vows
Saturday 19 April
Same as Friday with a Dharma Talk at 9:45 a.m.
Sunday 20 April
8:30 Usual Sunday morning programme (zazen and dokusan) ,
10.30 Tea (with talking)
11:00 Zazen / kinhin / remote dokusan
12:30 Ending with chanting and optional lunch at cafe.